Monday, September 24, 2007

A Rainy Fall Weekend

So my kids and I love, love, love rainy fall weather so when we heard that it was supposed to rain on Friday we were so excited. However the rain came in the night and we were bummed. Greg kindly reminded us that we should be thankful for the rain that we got. So since the rain had departed we decided to go to the little local fair on Saturday after lunch but.....after lunch our so loved rain decided to come down in buckets! It was amazing how fast we changed from wanting the rain to wanting it to go away. Are we ever satisfied? Anyway we were feeling bad for the kids that even though we were getting our rain we were now missing the fair. So Greg lit a fire and I ran to the store ( in the pouring rain ) and we had dinner then sat around the fire and made s'mores in the rain that we again loved, loved, loved!

1 comment:

Glenda Conner said...

So cute and confined compared to the raging Conner bonfires where you have to dodge burning ashes and whatever else they throw into the fire just to watch it burn! Ü