Saturday, June 7, 2008

Welcome Lil' Mr. Staggs....

My brother John and his wife Jackie had their first little one early Thursday morning. They named him Colin Andrew. He weighed in at 7 lbs. 9 oz. and was 19 inches long. He has a head full of dark hair and I know that I am a little partial but I think that he is beautiful! This has got to be one of the hardest things about marrying and moving away....I want to hold that little one soooo bad! Anyway...welcome little one. We love you!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Crazy....Hair Day....

So I had this great long post almost ready to go telling about what we've been up to in the last month. However when I went back and read it to myself it sounded stale and boring. To much time had passed and it wasn't fresh and fun anymore...(note to more often). Not that my writing is all fresh and fun and exciting but it is current. So here is a little glimpse at what we have been up to this week.

On Tuesday evening we had a wonderful time at Emma's spring chorus performance. This year they sang pieces from " The Sound of Music". They all did such a great job. Emma had a small speaking part introducing a song and she was the only one who memorized her part. Those years of learning the memory verse are paying off in more ways then one I guess.

On Thursday evening we again had a treat in going to Aubrie's orchestra performance. This is her second year playing flute for the Dunsmore Elementary School Orchestra and she loves it! They amaze me! Here are all these fourth through sixth graders and they have such poise and play so well.

Friday was a day that the kids wait for all year....Crazy Hair Day! They like to try a little something different each year but one thing that does not change year after year is.....LOTS and LOTS of COLOR!!

One last semi ironic thing. Here today is...Saturday...Memorial Day weekend...the opening of the beaches....almost summer some would say. So we decided that today was the day to set up the ol' pool. And what do ya know....rain! It's raining in southern California at the end of May. Ha ha...with the cost of water I guess we'll take all the help we can get in filling the thing. It's killing the kids though. But along with the rain came the's only 55 degrees out there. ones goin' in today!

Well apparently I was wrong because before I could finish this post my crazy kids were indeed in the pool! BRRR!!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Salvation is a Big Word but I am Not Too Small...

Brock asked the Lord to come into his heart and wash away his sins this past Wed. I wasn't there when it happened as he was spending his normal Wednesday with his G'ma Cary. So I will just try to recount what was told to me. Apparently they were on their way home from Costco and they were talking in the car when Brock said something about the song "Jesus Loves Me". He said ya know the part that says " He washes me when I lie" , we've figured that he misunderstands the line that says "watch me where I lie". So if he misunderstands that's ok because it seems to have lead to his salvation. Anyway...they started talking about sins and what they were and that the Lord would wash your sins away and Joyce says that it was just like he started to connect all the dots. So she told him that he could be saved and asked if he would want to do that. He readily said yes! So they pulled up at home and she asked him if he would like to have Daddy and Papa come in from the office to all pray together. He liked that idea too, so after getting them from the office they all came in and knelt down and Brock prayed and asked the Lord to come into his heart and wash his sins away. That little prayer was such a wonderful answer of prayers that we have been praying now for...well...I guess since the day we found out we were expecting this little one. "There is joy in the presence of the angles of God over one sinner that repenteth" Luke 15:10

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

It's Official....Angelique Staggs!!

Wow...ok where to begin! My sister Michelle has had a sweet lil' foster daughter for the last two and a half years and finally on March 14th it was made official and Michelle was able to adopt her!! YEAH!! So Brock and I made the trek to Washington to be there for all the excitement. We had a whirlwind trip starting with a five and a half hour delay on our flight...ugh! We got in on Thursday evening and just unwound. Friday morning we woke up and went to the courthouse for the adoption. Tons of friends and family came and I don't think that there was a dry eye in the room. We ran around for the rest of the day getting all ready for the fun party at the meeting room that night. I don't think that I have ever slept so well in my life as I did that night. Saturday we slept in....even the kids were exhausted and slept in, so nice. Later all the family met up for lunch at the Rainforest Cafe for lunch. After a little convincing that the animals were all fake and would not come get you we all had a great time. After an afternoon of naps for the little ones we met back up again to let all the cousins "adopt" animals at Build A Bear. Again, so much fun! Sunday we relaxed a bit and went over to the Leals for a yummy lasagna dinner with delicious pies for dessert. And on Monday our last day in town we went over to mom and dads for breakfast. We had waffles with strawberries and whipped cream mmm. Then we took the trolley into downtown Tacoma and went to where else...none other then..Starbucks, one of my most favorite places. From there we went to the airport for an uneventful flight home. YEAH! Through all of this Greg and the girls were troopers and stayed home and kept things running. The only thing that they forgot...was the cat box. do you forget that! Ha ha! So anyway long story long we had a great time and we officially have a niece/cousin to call our own!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

It is still winter.....right?

I'm so excited!!! Now first of all don't get me wrong I love, love, love winter! I even wish that it got a little more wintery around here. However this year I keep getting every little bug that is going around. And they are all different and not very short. Greg and the kids seem to get varying little colds but none of them seem to keep them quite like I have this year. And I am glad for that! I would just like a break! So now to the exciting has been 70 to 80 degrees the last few days! I've thrown open all the windows and let the sun shine in! I'm hoping that this warm spell and the nice clean breeze will wash my house of all the germs that seem to be incubating around here. And after that....could we please get back to some winter around here!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Hello all! This is sort of a lame-o post, however I felt the need to go ahead and blog it. Some of you may recall in my really long Dec. post that one of the things that I mentioned was our new Nintendo WII. Now we love our new of the pics that I posted was of us playing a game called Dance Dance Revolution. When we purchased said game I thought that it was just music and that it shouted out what moves you should do on the pad. I was WRONG! The game comes with all the lyrics to the songs and not the cleanest of lyrics I might add. So needless to say I am now venturing into my first EBAY sell. I should have known something was wrong when all the teenagers thought I was really cool! Ugh..Hebrews says "whose faith follow" not whose failure follow! Oops!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Poor Aub...

So Yesterday started as a normal day. Get up, get the kids to school, go to Weight Watchers.... yes I'm finally trying to loose the "baby weight". Anyway we then stopped at Starbucks and had coffee with a friend then off to the gym. After the gym I thought to myself yes I'm gross and sweaty but you are out of the house and you have Target returns sitting right here that need to be done. So off to Target we go with just enough time to do Target and get home and shower before needing to get the kids. So everything was going fine and dandy till my phone rings. Of course when it rang I had to be in the bathroom with Brock, toilets flushing water running and whose number should come up but the schools. Never a good sign! So while answering the phone and trying to shuttle Brock out of the loud bathroom (he has now turned on the hand dryer) the school nurse informs me that Aubrie has probably broken her finger. So still sweaty and gross we head to the school. (Note to self ... go home and shower right after the gym.) We get to the school and this is what we find. Poor Aubrie sitting in the nurses office with a swollen finger that is all black and blue. Apparently while playing basketball at school the other team tried to pass and she jumped up to try to intercept and well ... her finger got the raw end of the deal. So off to the doctor with a grumpy tired Brock in tow. After squeezing it and wiggling it..Ow! they took X-Rays. They said that there was so much swelling that they couldn't tell if there was a hairline fracture but at least it was not badly broken and that they treat a hairline and a bad sprain the same. With a splint. So short story long...Aubrie hurt her finger and is in a splint. Oh yeah and if I haven't mentioned it enough...take your shower after the gym as I ended up spending my whole day in my gym clothes...Yuck!