Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Hello all! This is sort of a lame-o post, however I felt the need to go ahead and blog it. Some of you may recall in my really long Dec. post that one of the things that I mentioned was our new Nintendo WII. Now we love our new of the pics that I posted was of us playing a game called Dance Dance Revolution. When we purchased said game I thought that it was just music and that it shouted out what moves you should do on the pad. I was WRONG! The game comes with all the lyrics to the songs and not the cleanest of lyrics I might add. So needless to say I am now venturing into my first EBAY sell. I should have known something was wrong when all the teenagers thought I was really cool! Ugh..Hebrews says "whose faith follow" not whose failure follow! Oops!

1 comment:

Glenda Conner said...

LOL, live and learn eh?