Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Hills Are Alive With The Sound of....FIRE!

So there are sooo many fun things that we have done over the summer that I really need to blog about! They are back logged in my brain fighting to get out. But..... well with a fire raging out my front window I just couldn't put this one in order. So here it is.... FIRE! It all started far, far away in another town and was just interesting to watch the fire choppers since they were picking up at a reservoir by our house. But now with 5 days having passed and heading on into the 6th. day the fire is right out our front window! Still interesting to watch.....but now with a little trepidation as the homes two blocks above us are evacuated! And we are sooooo sick of the smoke! It feels like we will never breath fresh air again! Ugh! It has also postponed the kids starting school and so they are all stuck in the house going stir crazy! Ha ha.....what memories are made of...... Hopefully my next post will be all light and airy and full of fun stuff. Until then.... In closing I should mention that while these pictures look a little menacing we are quite safe....the firefighters could use your prayers though! They are working so hard!

Also here are the links to my Youtube site to see our fire videos.







Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Lassen 2009

Ok, so I'm really late in writing this I know .... but.... well I was trying to sum up my feelings. What an amazing time.... again!!! It was just what I was needing the meetings, the fellowship, just to get away from the rat race called life. Not that I have a bad life mind you I am not complaining it is just so awesome to go away and be surrounded by those of like faith and just immerse yourself in it for a whole week!

Aubrie was in the cabins this year and well....it was weird. Nice and weird all at the same time. She loved it! But it was just .... well ....I guess it sorta felt like the first little steps away.... Our cabin while having more room (Hannah was stoked to get a bed and not have to sleep on the floor) just felt a little empty sometimes. Sigh..... On another note .... unlike her mother at Lassen many moons ago.... she signed up to play all the sports! And had a wonderful time!

Emma had a fabulous time at camp with her friends. She and Melissa and Ellie have long been Lassen pals and this year they were joined by sweet Emily. It is so nice to see them having such a great time friends that they will spend eternity with!

Hannah.... oh ... Hannah my little shadow. She just didn't seem want to branch out this year. I tried quite a few times to give her a little push but she seemed to just want to be with mommy. I finally stopped pushing and realized that she was just in need of some mommy time! And we did have a great time together! She did leave me each day to go and enjoy the wonderful crafts put on by Jackie. I guess that crafts are the one thing that trumps mom. If you are reading this ... Thank you Jackie for another fabulouso year of Lassen crafts! You can never have too many fleece blankets!

And Brock....he loved finally being old enough to participate in the lil' kid games! After dodge ball in the mornings I could talk him into a nap during the afternoon meetings just so that he could go play capture the flag! Another HUGE shout out here to Rob! You rock heading up all those games with the kids! They love it!

It was kind of hard to leave Lassen this year knowing that the word on the street was that this would be the last one. But if indeed it was the last year it was a wonderful year to end on. Aubrie will kill me if she reads this but.... I think what she said fits what we were all feeling. After we got home and everyone else was asleep she came out of her room a bit teary. She curled up with me on the couch and we hugged and she cried a bit. When I asked her what was wrong she had a hard time explaining it..... she said I feel like something inside of me has changed and will never be the same again. She said that she felt so wrapped in love up there and so close to the Lord that she almost wished that she hadn't experienced it so that she couldn't miss it like she did. Wow! Can you imagine what it will be like to be Home!?!
If you want to see the rest of the pictures I posted from Lassen click on the link below.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Class of 2009

The Cary family has two promoters this year.

Brock is done with preschool....I can't believe it my baby is headed for kindergarten!

And our sweet Aubrie moves up to junior high!

Congrats Kiddos!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

An ER Visit....

Sitting outside the very crowded waiting room.

Hannah's eye while waiting

So the long story is this.... Monday evening we were sorta having a rough one around here and Hannah had been sent to her room till dinner was ready. She was crying (not a huge surprise) when all of the sudden it got much louder! It was a cry that I did not recognize and so I thought that maybe she was throwing a tantrum (about this I actually was surprised). Ok and here is the part that I am still not sure that I should admit but as I heard her coming out of her room ... a very frazzled, tired, trying to make dinner mother said .... "you had better be nigh unto death to be coming out here screaming like that!" And then I turned around.... There she stood holding her eye with blood gushing between her fingers!!! I about died!! At first I thought that she said the dog had bitten her and I was so afraid to move her hand. But I did and found that what had happened was that the dog had scratched her eye lid slicing it open about half an inch. But let me tell you when it first happened it looked like the longest half inch that you have ever seen! After going back and forth about what to do we called a doctor friend who said that we should go in. Of course it was just after five and the doctors office was closed so into the emergency room we went. After five and a half hours they called us back and cleaned out the wound, glued it shut and sent us on our way with a prescription for antibiotics.

Worried while waiting for the doctor.

Waiting for the glue to dry.

After hearing a few stories about untreated dog scratches while in the ER I was very thankful that we had had a doctor friend to call for advice as I was not going to take her in! To top off the night I almost passed out when the nurse was cleaning her eye!! I think that it was a combo of tiredness, hunger and relief mixed in with a healthy dose of queasiness due to all that we had seen while waiting in a very overcrowded waiting room! Anyway, that has never happened to me and poor Hannah was so worried! They actually had to give me juice and crackers and sit and rest my head. I think that the only thing that stopped me from actually going out was knowing how bad Hannah would freak out! Like I said long story long ... all is well now and her eye though many shades of purple is healing nicely! Thank the Lord it could have been so much worse!

A photo captured by daddy ...sleeping peacefully in the morning.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Gone Fishin....

So for Brock's birthday..... way back at the end of March when asked what he wanted he said that what he really wanted was to go fishing..... in a boat! So for his birthday Greg and I got him a little pole and planned to go out fishing. However like life always seems to do ... it got busy! We were either sick, out of town or some other craziness was happening. Anyway, last weekend we finally went out fishing in a boat. We had a wonderful day! The funny thing though... we didn't catch not one fish! Brock was so excited, we woke up early and got McDonald's for breakfast per Brock's request and then went to a lake about 20 min. from our house that rents nice little boats. We tooled around and Brock sang row, row, row your boat while he used the oar to help row the boat (every time the motor went off the oar went in). He thought that that was the second best part of the day! The first part.....swimming! It was a beautiful day! The weather was warm and the lake wonderfully cool. We pulled up into this gorgeous little cove and got off to run on the beach. Next thing we knew Brock was in the water first he was up to his knees and then he was up to his waist next thing we knew he was asking if he could get all the way in. Soon he was out swimming all around and having a grand ol' time! It was really nice to get to spend some quality time with just one of the kids. And Brock was so excited to go out fishing....on a boat. As for fish......ah who needs fish anyway?!?

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Decade Day....

Every once in a blue moon the kids school has a "spirit" day. They had one this month and it was decade day. Aubrie was home sick and Emma had PE so didn't want to do it....but Hannah... of course she wanted too! She only decided that she wanted to on the morning of so we were quickly trying to piece something together. So we went with the decade that I knew best and was easiest for me....the 80's! We pulled out the dress-up make up with the bright blue eye shadow and ripped some jeans and tight rolled them (kinda) and gave her big hair! I thought that she was adorable! It was so funny though...when Aubrie saw her she was like... mom you didn't really dress like that did you???? Like what? I asked. With big hair?....ummm yup.....and ewww blue eye shadow....ummm yup(as much as mom and dad would let me that is)...but you didn't rip your jeans did you??....ummmm....yup! And then with an eye roll....Oh Dear! Hee hee!! Man I miss the 80's...Not!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

A New Addition to the Family....


So for awhile now we have been thinking and praying about getting a dog. Ya see we already have 2 cats, one bird and a fish....oh yeah and 4 kids! Umm and we live in the city....so you see where the hesitation comes in?! Anyway I so wanted the kids to have a dog to grow up with and we were getting to the point that if we didn't do it soon we'd find ourselves getting a dog because we were lonely after they were all gone! Ok maybe not quite that bad but you get the point. We decided that when we got home from our spring break trip we would start to look for a dog. We were going to rescue one from the pound and that way would would be saving a dog and staying away from a purebred and all of their purebred problems (been there done that). So the day we got home I was ready to run down to the pound and get a dog any dog just because it was time after all. But Greg.... my ever calm, opposites attract, the Lord sure provides, amazing husband....said we should wait and pray and he was sure that the Lord would provide the "right" dog and we would know when it was. So.... we watched and waited....and on Sat. we took a family outing to the pound just to check out the local dogs (I had been keeping a daily...almost hourly watch on the pound web site updates so I felt pretty sure that there was not one there). The kids wanted to see so...why not? After perusing the kennels and once again not finding the "right" dog we were headed home but stopped to look at the kittens ...and there....amongst the cats was the cutest little chocolate lab you have ever seen! After asking at the desk and finding that she was a stray that they had picked up and they would hold for a week to make sure that no owners showed up to claim her we went home to wait until her release date on Tues. Boy you have never heard more earnest prayers! So Tuesday came and Brock and Greg head down bright and early so that they wouldn't miss her and they were told that the wrong date was written and she would not be released until the next day. Also we were not the only ones interested and so there would be a silent auction. Ugh stress!! Wednesday it was my turn to go down and I don't think that I have ever felt worse in my life then to stand there and bid against someone knowing that one of us would have to go home and tell our kids that we didn't get the puppy! It made me physically sick! But Greg and I had discussed it and we felt really comfortable in the number that we had both had laid on our heart if you will. It helped as I left the house and Brock said to me "mommy if God wants us to have that dog you'll say the right money and we'll get it". Ahhh the faith of a child. Anyway...it came down to one other guy and me and I really thought that I would be going home empty handed ....but....Greg and the kids were right...the Lord showed us and gave us the "right" dog for our family. And boy is she a cutie! Maybe we should have named her Patience and she could have been a constant reminder to me! Hee hee! Anyway she is an approximately 3 month old chocolate lab mix?!? And her name... we think.... is Daisy!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Monday, April 20, 2009

Home again, home again jiggety jig....

What a wonderful spring break! We started off by flying into Sea-Tac and then taking the beautiful drive north to Vancouver B.C. where we enjoyed a wonderful time with the saints there at the super conference they put on....the food was amazing, and the ladies make it all!! (oh yes and the fellowship was great too)! I didn't get any pictures at the conference but I did manage to get a few shots while we all visited around the pool in the evenings. It was such a great times catching up with all those that we haven't seen in some time. It's amazing how you can go so long without seeing some folks and when you are together again it is as if no time has passed at all. It is so amazing to have such common ground in the Lord that it is just like getting together with a great big family. Can you imagine what heaven will be like?!? Anyway...it was a fabulous time!

From there we drove south again to my parents house where it seemed like a great big party for four more days. And well...I guess it kinda was! For 90% of the time we were there there was about 16 to 20 people in the house at all times! And they had a birthday party for Brock and Hannah! It was a crazy wonderful time! My poor parents! Thanks Dad & Mom for all you did for us while we were there! Love and miss you ALL!!!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

A Bad Case of the Spots

So, about 10 days ago now I took Brock into the doctor after he had had a cold for some time and it had now turned to a fever and hurting ears. So, in we go and sure enough a double ear infection...bummer! What I didn't realize was that this was Brock's first antibiotics as we have thankfully never been a family to suffer any such problems. Anyway...long story long...7 days into the antibiotics he woke up covered in spots! After another trip to the doctor they confirmed that he is severely allergic to penicillin. Ugh! So now he has to be on Benedryl for the itching, Prednesone for the swelling and yet another antibiotic because the ear infection was not gone. Oh, and the new stuff...they sent me home with instructions to watch him real close because 10% of the people allergic to penicillin are allergic to this too and then they stop breathing!!! Needless to say that was a sleepless night! Thankfully he did not have a reaction and that means that at least we do have a drug that we can give him in case of another infection at another time. But the poor boy...boy did he itch!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Bud!

I feel like I am writing a bunch of these lately but really....I can't believe it....it feels like just yesterday that we had our sweet boy and now he's 5! I just registered him for kindergarten it was the most surreal feeling....he can't be old enough....can't I hold on just a little longer....he's my baby....watch and keep him Lord for we sure do love our little man!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Goodies in the mail...

What a great surprise to open the mailbox the other day and find fun stuff mixed in with all the junk mail! I love getting packages in the mail! I know who doesn't right? Anyway... due to all the massive yucky sickies in our house right now I had forgotten that awhile back I had won a drawing over at Deliajude and so it was a bright light in an otherwise dreary sick day to open the box and find this.....

And not only had Nicole sent the books that I had won but a fun game for the kids too! They have been having a good time playing the game and I love it because it is great at mixing fun and learning! I have only had time to peek at the books between sick snuggles and nose wiping but I can't wait to dive in! The little snatches have been hysterically spot on! So...thanks Nicole you'll never know how much I needed a little pick me up that day and a package in the mail was just the thing...it worked wonders! Thank you!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

14 years.....

Yikes, it's hard to believe that it has been 14 years since we got married. In some ways it seems like it was just yesterday and then when I look around at our kids and think about the things that we have done and the places we have been it doesn't seem quite as short a time. We are blessed!

Thursday, February 19, 2009


We had a great Valentine's Day! It was the first weekend we were home as a family in three weeks and there was so much to do! Our kids were bummed and thought that the day would be sooo boring! I mean what a yucky way to spend Valentines. But ya know there is something to be said for a day spent working. Everyone was happy while we were working and when all was said and done it was nice to sit back and enjoy what we had done together as a family. Not to say that it was all work and no play there was a little love spread around....

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Time Just Seems to Slip Away.....

So as any of you who still stop in from time to time know.... well..... I've been missing in action. But... well... I'm back! I can't tell you how back cause I don't know but here I am! I've been feeling a little bit of guilt as I look at everyone elses blogs and I love to see their pictures and get a little glimpse at what they have been up to. But me...I've been a bit of a taker and not a giver. Ha ha! So anyway ...no excuses....we're all busy. But here are a few pics over the last (gasp) eight months. And .... I'll try to do a little better then that...we'll see.